Thursday 14 August 2008

Jack Black Fears Tenacious D Will Curse Barack Obama's Presidential Bid

Jack Black fears Democratic presidential bright Barack Obama may occlusive him playacting at a campaign concert next month after he �killed� the campaigns of previous politicians.

Black and his Tenacious D bandmate Kyle Glass are scheduled to perform at an Obama benefit event at Wiltern Theatre in Los Angeles on September 23rd.

Despite admitting that Mr Obama was �the better candidate� and �more in line with our views�, Black aforementioned he was worried the former Illinois senator whitethorn cancel they appearance.

�We've been doing political benefits for years and it's an endorsement. I did it for (Senator) John Carey and that didn't work. We've supported lots of different causes; tried to legalise skunk and that didn't work,� Black said.

"You just keep on chugging away trying to do what you think is good.

"Maybe Obama is gonna enjoin 'Do me a favour, don't do a benefit for me,' since we've effectively killed all the campaigns we've taken part in."

Yesterday, Mr Obama and his Republican match John McCain unveiled their top-ten favorite songs e'er. You can see what songs they choose here.

To see all the other musicians world Health Organization have endorsed Mr Obama's bid to become the first blackened president, CLICK HERE.

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